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Most violent in More than Two Months: Russian Escalation in Northwestern Syria

The Russian airstrikes coincided with a visit from a UN delegation to the area, al-Hal Net writes.
Most violent in More than Two Months: Russian Escalation in Northwestern Syria

In light of discussions about preparing for a battle in northern Syria and bringing in military reinforcements, the “Putin-Erdogan” area in northwestern Syria experienced its most intense military escalation in over two months on Tuesday. According to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, Russian warplanes conducted 21 airstrikes, utilizing vacuum missiles.  

Idlib and Lattakia 

Russian airstrikes targeted several areas in the countryside of Idlib and Latakia, causing panic among civilians due to the violent explosions that had been absent from the region. Fortunately, no deaths or injuries were reported. According to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, the strikes included five raids on western Idlib governorate, five on Horsh Basnqoul in the Idlib countryside, and three on sites in the Kabinah hills of northern Lattakia.

The Kabinah Hills have been a hotspot between the Syrian army and Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham, with previous attempts by the Syrian army to gain control hampered by the rugged terrain and strong fortifications.

Additionally, four raids targeted Horsh Batinta and four others struck west of Maarat Misrin near the Sheikh Bahar area. Three aircraft coordinated these attacks while Russian reconnaissance planes monitored the situation.

Notably, the Russian airstrikes coincided with a visit from a UN delegation to the area, which included a camp for displaced persons and a community center providing various services to those affected, according to local sources.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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