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Mekdad Draws a Comparison with U.S. Lies on Iraq

Mekdad accused the United States of repeating today in Syria "the same lies they had spread in Iraq 20 years ago", according to al-Watan.
Mekdad Draws a Comparison with U.S. Lies on Iraq

Foreign and Expatriates Minister Dr. Faisa al-Mekdad accused the United States and ‘its agents in France, Britain and Germany” of repeating today in Syria the same lies they had spread in Iraq 20 years ago under the pretext of its possession of weapons of mass destruction.

“Twenty years ago … the then U.S. Secretary of State, Colin Powell, staged a scene of manipulation and lies to justify the U.S. invasion of Iraq on the pretext that it possesses weapons of mass destruction”, Mekdad tweeted today.

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At the time, Powell presented “audio recordings,” “satellite images,” “testimonials,” and “documents” and stated that they were evidence and not speculation, and were facts and well-documented information, and showed a small tube stating that the It contained Iraqi-produced biological substances that could kill tens of thousands of people.

“Of course, it became clear that everything he put forward was mere unsubstantiated lies, and Powell himself described what he said before the Security Council as a ‘disgrace,’ but sadly, Iraq was invaded based on these lies, and everyone knows the disastrous results left by this invasion of war crimes and crimes against humanity committed by U.S. forces and their allies in Iraq,” added the Foreign Minister.

Mekdad called on the world to take the lessons from the past and not allow the United States and its satellites France, Great Britain and Germany to carry out this manipulation again or pass off their flimsy accusations to justify interference in the affairs of other countries and undermine their security, stability and prosperity.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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