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Lebanese Intellectuals: We Disapprove Racist Campaign Against Syrians

Lebanese intellectuals have released a statement denouncing the despicable and discriminatory campaign against Syrian citizens, according to al-Modon.
Lebanese Intellectuals: We Disapprove Racist Campaign Against Syrians

A group of Lebanese intellectuals have released a statement denouncing the despicable and discriminatory campaign against Syrian citizens who have sought refuge in Lebanon.

The intellectuals, who work in various fields such as writing, journalism, arts, and education, declare their complete disassociation from this campaign that is being carried out under the guise of defending the interests of Lebanon and its people. They strongly believe that this campaign is not only aimed at the Syrian refugees but also at silencing their voices and suppressing their freedoms.

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The intellectuals emphasize their unwavering commitment to Lebanese constitutional patriotism, freedom, pluralism, and parliamentary democracy. They firmly believe that the noblest values lose their significance when stripped of their humanistic essence, and they call for solidarity and compassion towards all oppressed individuals regardless of their nationality, identity, religion, or race.

Despite the enormity of the problem caused by the influx of Syrian refugees, the signatories of the statement insist on finding rational and measured solutions that do not involve demonizing or resorting to populism or racism.

The undersigned individuals believe that the primary objective should be to enable the refugees to return to their home country, provided that the return is voluntary and safe, and coordinated with influential external and international organizations. However, they stress that achieving this goal requires the Lebanese government to exert more effort and seriousness in addressing this crucial issue.

The signatories reiterate their commitment to confronting the unjust campaign against Syrian refugees. They firmly believe that this campaign not only harms innocent Syrians but also insults the Lebanese people and their humanitarian, democratic, and modern values.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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