
Israeli Proposals for Supporting Demonstrators in Suweida

Israeli media has reported that Israel is considering providing military and material support to demonstrators in Syria's Suweida, according to Hashtag Syria.
Israeli Proposals for Supporting Demonstrators in Suweida

Israeli media has reported that Israel is considering providing military and material support to demonstrators in Syria’s Suweida Governorate, who are advocating for political change, improved living conditions, and the implementation of International Resolution 2254, which calls for the protection of civilians, unrestricted humanitarian aid access, and the cessation of armed actions.

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Ehud Yaari, the chief commentator for Middle East affairs on Israeli Channel 12, has suggested a strategy for supporting these demonstrations. He proposes “opening a humanitarian corridor through the village of Al-Anat,” which is approximately 54 kilometres from the city of Suweida, along the Syrian-Jordanian border. According to Yaari, this corridor could be used for Druze trucks to transport both Israeli military and humanitarian supplies along a 55-kilometer route.

However, several challenges are associated with this proposal. First, King Abdullah II of Jordan appears reluctant to intervene independently in the Syrian conflict, despite improved relations between the Hashemite monarchy and the Druze community. It’s worth noting that the current Minister of Foreign Affairs of Jordan belongs to the Druze Unitarians sect.

Second, Yaari highlights that the Biden administration has taken limited action regarding what it has termed the “Druze revolution.”

Third, establishing such a corridor for the Druze would require a broad consensus from Western and Gulf countries.

Yaari suggests that the corridor idea could be developed in stages and, if necessary, could involve providing the Druze with weapons to defend their territory. This would likely require a joint military effort involving American, Jordanian, and Israeli aircraft to secure shipments if the situation demands it.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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