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Israeli Landing, Clashes, and Captured Iranians: Syria TV Reveals Shocking Details of Masyaf Strike

Syria TV revealed that following the airstrikes, Israeli helicopters conducted a rapid ground operation.
Israeli Landing, Clashes, and Captured Iranians: Syria TV Reveals Shocking Details of Masyaf Strike

Exclusive sources have disclosed to Syria TV unprecedented details about the recent Israeli strike on Masyaf, a city west of Hama. The strike, which included not only air raids but also an airdrop, resulted in intense clashes, casualties, and the capture of Iranian personnel.

The Israeli operation, which targeted a key military research facility involved in chemical weapons production, took place last Sunday night. According to the sources, the strike was not confined to aerial bombardment but was accompanied by an Israeli landing operation. Israeli helicopters hovered over the targeted area, deploying troops via ropes while Israeli drones simultaneously destroyed vehicles belonging to regime security forces, effectively blocking all roads to the landing zone.

Massive Losses and Human Casualties in Israeli Aggression on Masyaf

Sources confirmed that fierce clashes ensued, leaving three Syrians dead and several others wounded, including civilians. During the operation, Israeli forces captured two Iranian individuals. Syrian regime security forces reportedly barred rescue teams from reaching the site, transferring the injured soldiers to an undisclosed location, while the wounded civilians were taken to Masyaf Hospital.

Speculation from the sources suggests that the regime, or factions within it, may have facilitated the Israeli operation. This theory is further supported by the claim that a Russian communications center on Jabal al-Mashhad al-Ali (Qasioun Masyaf) was also targeted, with a Russian radar expert reportedly among the casualties.

Syria TV’s camera crew documented the aftermath, capturing extensive damage along the mountain road leading to the site of the attack.

On the night of the attack, Israel launched strikes on the military positions of the Syrian regime and Iranian militias in Hama and the Syrian coast. This assault deemed the most intense in recent months, resulted in at least 16 deaths and 36 injuries, as reported by regime media.

Journalist William al-Ali, a Masyaf native, described waking to the deafening explosions that rocked the city and surrounding areas. He confirmed that the strikes hit military and research facilities with precision, including areas known to house Iranian and regime forces. Ali emphasized the unprecedented power of the explosions, noting that one strike obliterated a site on the Masyaf-Wadi Al-Uyun road, rendering the area inaccessible for two hours and forcing regime troops to reach the site on foot.

The Scientific Research Center in Masyaf, a frequent target of Israeli strikes due to its association with Iranian activities, was again hit during this latest operation. Ali suggested that leaks from within the regime may have enabled the high-precision strikes.

In a new development, Ali revealed that following the airstrikes, Israeli helicopters conducted a rapid ground operation, firing indiscriminately at survivors. Reports indicate that Israeli soldiers captured between two and four Iranian officers, though the exact number remains unclear due to strict security measures.

In the aftermath of the Masyaf strike, a high-level investigation was launched, involving Syrian regime leaders from air defence, reconnaissance, and electronic warfare divisions. The investigation aims to assess the operation and uncover the circumstances that allowed it to unfold.

Air Defense Paralyzed

In a related revelation, sources disclosed that Israel has recently targeted some of the regime’s most vital radar and air defence systems. These strikes have severely weakened the regime’s ability to monitor and defend its airspace, further escalating tensions in the region.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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