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Iranian Oil Tanker Arrives at Baniyas Amidst Syria’s Fuel Crisis

Sources told Athr Press that the continued arrival of oil shipments will help stabilize the availability of petroleum products.
Iranian Oil Tanker Arrives at Baniyas Amidst Syria’s Fuel Crisis

Sources have confirmed the arrival of an Iranian oil tanker, reportedly carrying over a million barrels of crude, at the Baniyas oil terminal. This development comes as Syria grapples with a deepening fuel and transportation crisis. According to insiders, the logistical procedures for docking and unloading the tanker have been successfully completed, and the cargo is being transferred to the Baniyas refinery for processing and subsequent distribution across various governorates.

The sources also claim that the continued arrival of oil shipments will help stabilize the availability of petroleum products, addressing the acute demand for fuel in the local market and ensuring the refinery’s uninterrupted operation.

Comment from the Observer:

Syria is currently enduring a severe fuel and transportation crisis, which intensifies daily. The regime’s government has proven incapable of addressing the underlying causes, leaving many areas to suffer from fuel shortages and unprecedented price hikes. As a result, public transportation services have been drastically reduced, exacerbating the situation for the population.

This crisis has deeply disrupted daily life, making commuting to work or school an increasingly difficult ordeal. Long waits in overcrowded queues have become the norm, with citizens struggling to find transport. The government’s failure to implement effective solutions, either by improving transportation systems or providing fuel at affordable prices, has only fueled public dissatisfaction.

Taking advantage of the situation, many car owners have hiked transportation fares significantly, capitalizing on the absence of government regulation. In some cases, private vehicles have become informal taxis, charging exorbitant rates, leaving citizens with a harsh choice: pay inflated fares or endure long delays and disruption to their daily routines.

The regime continues to deflect responsibility by attributing the crisis to the economic blockade and the residual effects of the ongoing war while neglecting the pressing needs of its citizens. Efforts like fuel rationing have worsened the situation, leading to longer queues at gas stations and soaring black-market prices for fuel, further increasing the strain on daily life.

As the crisis drags on, Syrians find their daily routines increasingly disrupted. Hours that could be spent working or studying are now consumed by waiting for transportation, adding to the psychological and physical toll. The continuous struggle for basic necessities has left citizens caught in a relentless cycle of hardship, with no clear solution in sight.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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