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Iranian Militias Switch Positions in Syria

After the attacks on Erbil, Iranian militias across Syria undertook redeployment and repositioning operations, according to Asharq al-Awsat.
Iranian Militias Switch Positions in Syria
Iranian Militias Switch Positions in Syria

After a dozen ballistic missiles struck Iraq’s northern Kurdish regional capital of Erbil, Iranian militias across Syria undertook redeployment and repositioning operations.

The attack against Erbil had also targeted the U.S. consulate’s new building on Saturday evening.

In the western Euphrates region, Iranian-backed militias in al-Boukamal and its desert, al-Mayadeen, and its countryside have changed their positions and outposts and stationed in new posts, transported weapons and ammunition to other locations in the al-Shibli area, al-Mazarea in the outskirts and desert of Al-Mayadeen and in Al-Raqqah, informed sources at the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported.

The war monitor’s sources have also reported that Iranian-backed militias have transported their forces and weapons from two areas of the Maadan desert.

Read Also: Erbil Attack Revenge for Killing Iranians in Syria, Says Iran

According to Observatory sources, Iranian-backed militias conducted unusual movements in Palmyra and its desert and other areas in the eastern countryside of Homs, as these militias have repositioned in new sites there and evacuated warehouses and points.

Similar operations on the outskirts of the capital Damascus and near the border with Lebanon in the Damascus countryside have occurred.

The mass reshaping of Iranian positioning in Syria came after two members of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards’ Quds Force and two other Syrian fighters operating under the banner of Iran-backed militias were killed in an Israeli attack on March 7th.

Israel had hit their military positions near Damascus International Airport.

Severe tensions have also taken over Syrian-Iraqi borders. Beyond military calculations and positions, the area is troubled by terrorists and smugglers.

On Friday night, clashes erupted between a group of smugglers and Iraqi border guards in the Al-Bokamal desert border with Iraq in Syria’s eastern countryside of Deir-ez-Zor.

According to the Observatory, the clashes started with the attempt of a group of smugglers to cross the Iraqi border. Eventually, the smugglers managed to flee towards Syrian territory amid clashes.


This article was edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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