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International Community Remaining Silent Over Assad’s Use of Chemical Weapons: Opposition

Coalition says UN and international community has failed to take concrete action towards the crimes of the Assad regime following chemical attack on Al-Sukkari in Aleppo
International Community Remaining Silent Over Assad’s Use of Chemical Weapons: Opposition

The international community’s silence on Assad’s crimes has encouraged the regime’s continual use of chemical weapons against unarmed civilians, according to Syria’s main political opposition.

Regime helicopters on Tuesday afternoon dropped several barrel bombs filled with toxic chlorine gas on the neighborhood of Al-Sukkari in southern Aleppo, causing dozens of cases of asphyxiation among civilians. Medical sources said that most of the injured were children.

The Syrian National Coalition stressed that “the international community’s failure to take concrete action towards the crimes of the Assad regime and the failure of the UN Security Council to defend the resolutions it passed on Syria, especially after the release of the UN report on the use of chemical weapons on Syria, has given the Assad regime a green light to commit more crimes against the Syrian people using all means of murder at its disposal.”

This latest chemical attack, the Coalition added, reflects the Assad regime’s total disregard for UN resolutions banning the use of chemical weapons, even after a recent UN report accused regime helicopters of dropping barrel bombs filled with the toxic chlorine gas in at least two different occasions in 2014 and 2015.

The Coalition noted that “deterring the Assad regime from carrying on with such crimes requires that the international community proves it is serious about stopping the use of chemical weapons and other indiscriminate weapons against civilians in Syria.”

This article was edited by The Syrian Observer. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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