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Interim Govt. Faces Severity of Financial Crisis as Funds Deplete

SIG Prime Minister continues to deny government's failures in the face of dire bankruptcy
Interim Govt. Faces Severity of Financial Crisis as Funds Deplete

As the Syrian opposition’s interim government verges on dissolution, Interim Prime Minister Ahmed Tomeh continues to deny the government’s failures and bankruptcy.

One third of the interim government’s employees took open leave after their salaries were cut off. Employees had been told to work voluntarily last week, while a number of the government’s offices were closed in many Turkish cities without explanation, a source told Zaman al-Wasl.

The source claimed the closure of offices in Istanbul, Urfa, Mardin and Hatay resulted from the government’s bankruptcy, along with the inability to cover employees’ salaries and office expenses.

The source claimed 30 percent of the government’s employees in Gaziantep took open leave after they had not received salaries for two months.

"The Interim Government is studying a suggestion to move inside Syria and open the headquarters in a border area, coordinating with the Free Syrian Army to provide security and protection", the source said.

Zaman al-Wasl published earlier reports on the extensive corruption and negligence in spending by the government, leading to the depletion of funds and support from many countries.

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