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HTS Ready to Respond to any Russian Aggression Against Idleb

Abu Muslim al-Shami, confirmed that the HTS is ready to respond to any new Russian attack on the area, according to the Zaitun Agency.
HTS Tahrir al-Sham Ready to respond to any Russian aggression against Idleb
HTS Ready to Respond to any Russian Aggression Against Idleb

The military commander of Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), Abu Muslim al-Shami, confirmed that the HTS is ready, along with other military factions in Idleb, to respond to any new Russian attack on the area. 

The HTS commander said in a special statement to the Zaitun agency that the recent escalation by the Russian occupier focuses on populated cities and towns in parallel with the targeting of public facilities and vital services. 

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He added: “We, in HTS and other military factions, since the first day, have been ready and fully prepared to respond to any aggression that the brutal occupying enemy might think of.” 

“Defending religion, land, and honor, liberating our captives, and reclaiming our territories is one of our principles. The enemy will see, from the men of the liberator, what he is not entrusted with, with the help of God,” Shami said.

Idleb governorate in northwestern Syria has been subjected to military escalation for days by Assad’s forces and Russia, whose warplanes have launched dozens of airstrikes on civilian sites and infrastructure in the region.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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