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Horoscope Book Sales Up 35%. Sharia Expert: Horoscope Programs are Haram

A Damascus bookstore owner told Athr Press he sells six to seven horoscope books daily.
First Book Fair in Idleb
Horoscope Book Sales Up 35%. Sharia Expert: Horoscope Programs are Haram

As the year comes to a close, discussions about predictions and horoscopes become prevalent, with people eagerly anticipating what the new year might hold for them.

Samar, a university student, admits to following horoscopes purely for entertainment, emphasizing to Athr Press that her daily horoscope serves as a source of psychological comfort, offering insights into potential events throughout her day.

Wael, an employee, suggests that some individuals, particularly young men and women, turn to horoscopes as a means of escaping the challenges and distress in their lives. He adds, “Everyone harbours the desire to explore the future, even if it’s through entertainment; perhaps horoscopes provide them with a fleeting sense of happiness.”

On the other hand, Sabah, a dedicated housewife, places unwavering belief in horoscopes, revealing that she annually invests in expensive horoscope books. This year, she spent 75,000 SYP on a horoscope book, sparking a disagreement with her husband, who deemed her pursuit of these “superstitions” irrational.

Athr Press learns from Abu Rashid, a Damascus bookstore owner, that he consistently sells six to seven horoscope books daily, predominantly to female customers. Abu Rashid notes that prices start at 35,000 SYP and escalate with the popularity of specific astrological themes, with some books fetching as much as 100,000 SYP.

Marwan, another bookstore owner, highlights a recent surge in sales of horoscope and luck-related books, noting a 35% increase over the past month. He shares with Athr Press that four girls, having collectively invested in a 100,000 SYP horoscope book, frequented the library to read it periodically.



This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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