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High-level Syrian-Iranian Intelligence Meeting in Tehran

The heads of the secret services in Iran and Syria met to discuss cooperation between the two bodies, according to al-Watan.
High-level Syrian-Iranian Intelligence Meeting in Tehran
High-level Syrian-Iranian Intelligence Meeting in Tehran

During a visit to Tehran, Syria’s top intelligence official, Ali Mamlouk, head of the National Security Bureau, met with Iran’s Supreme National Security Council Secretary, Ali Shamkhani, and discussed recent developments on the international scene and their implications for the region. 

The talks focused on cooperation between Syria and Iran in the fight against terrorism and countering U.S. efforts to recycle and revive terrorist organizations in Syria by training them and supplying them with weapons. 

“Syrian-Iranian cooperation in the fight against terrorism is in favor of regional security in the region,” Mamlouk said, calling on “all countries to unite their efforts to end extremism and remove its sources.” 

Maj. Gen. Mamlouk praised Iran’s role in supporting Syria in the face of terrorism, stressing the importance of continuing this cooperation mixed with the blood of the martyrs of the two friendly countries. 

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Iran’s semi-official Fars news agency reported that Mamlouk presented a report on the security situation across the country, quoting him as saying: “Syria has overcome the security crisis through the joint efforts of the government, the people and the armed forces, and the effective support of friendly countries against takfiri terrorism and their sponsors.” 

Referring to the great economic opportunities for joint cooperation between the two countries in various fields, Major General Mamlouk, according to Fars, added: “The presence of Iranian companies and economic actors in Syria and the continued joint cooperation in the economic and commercial sectors provide lasting benefits for both countries.” 

For his part, Shamkhani reiterated that his country continues to support Syria in its fight against terrorism, pointing to the increasing movements on the U.S. to arm, train and direct terrorist groups in Syria. He stressed that the continuation of this order not only destabilizes security in Syria but also threatens regional security, SANA reported. 

Shamkhani pointed to the dangerous role of the United States in creating regional and global crises with the aim of dominating the countries of the world and plundering their wealth, stressing that the U.S. occupation of parts of Syria is the biggest obstacle to the full return of security and stability to it. 

He said that his country, which stood by the Syrian people and government in the most difficult circumstances, continues to do so, pointing to the good relations between the two countries and the need to adopt appropriate mechanisms to facilitate and speed up the implementation of bilateral agreements in various fields. 

“Unfortunately, some of Syria’s neighbors play a role in the arena of enemies of the stability and security of the region,” he said, noting that the way to counter these evil plots is to maintain national cohesion, the spirit of resistance, and its politics.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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