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Flights Between Syria and Saudi Arabia to Resume Next Week

Both the Syrian Arab Airlines and Cham Wings Airlines finalize their preparations for operations to resume.
Flights Between Syria and Saudi Arabia to Resume Next Week

Confidential sources within the Civil Aviation Authority have disclosed that the necessary paperwork for resuming flights between Syria and Saudi Arabia is nearing completion following Saudi approval. It is anticipated that the inaugural flight between the two nations will occur one week from Tuesday, as both the Syrian Arab Airlines and Cham Wings Airlines finalize their preparations for operations to resume. Reports from various media outlets have highlighted the reinstatement of flights between Syria and Saudi Arabia, coinciding with the approaching Hajj season. 

Last month, the Ministry of Awqaf announced that 17,500 individuals were selected out of over 50,000 applicants to perform the Hajj for the year 1445 AH. The ministry conducted a thorough evaluation to finalize the list of accepted pilgrims through an electronic platform established for this purpose.

Bassem Mansour, the Director of Civil Aviation, previously indicated that the resumption of flights between Syria and Saudi Arabia would catalyze the activation of flights to Damascus from other Arab countries. Additionally, it is expected to incentivize numerous airlines to utilize Syrian airspace for transit.

On February 11, 2023, the Saudi Red Crescent sought permission from Damascus to land an aid plane at Damascus International Airport, aimed at providing assistance to the Syrian people affected by an earthquake. Damascus granted approval for the humanitarian mission.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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