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Factions Arrest Officers, Regime Members in Suweida 

Regime officers, including two colonels, have been arrested in Suweida, as tensions rise following the arrest of a local woman reports SY 24.
Factions Arrest Officers, Regime Members in Suweida 

On Wednesday, local factions in Suweida Governorate arrested officers and members of the security services.

Exclusive sources told SY-24 that, “the factions in Suweida  arrested six officers, including two officers with the rank of colonel, in addition to many members of the security services and the army, whose cars they also seized.”

The sources stated that, “the factions set up security checkpoints in several areas within the city of Suweida, and arrested all officers and members who passed through them, before taking them to an unknown destination.”

This came after the regime’s State Security branch detained Nasima al-Harb, who hails from the town of al-Qarya in the southern countryside of Suweida. The branch still has not released her.

According to the same sources, “the city of Suweida is witnessing a great security escalation, and the officers of the State Security branch have threatened to use military force against the local factions, but the other security services pressured the security branch to release the woman in exchange for the release of the officers and members detained by the factions.”

Every time someone from Suweida is arrested, the local factions resort to detaining officers and members of the Syrian regime, as a way to add pressure, which always ends with an agreement to release the detainees on both sides.

Suweida Governorate witnessed, a few months back, widespread protests that demanded the overthrow of the Syrian regime and holding the corrupt accountable, against the backdrop of the economic collapse the country is experiencing and the regime’s inability to secure the most basic necessities for citizens.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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