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Editorials from the Syrian pro government papers

The Syrian government is sending several messages to Russia, the U.S. and the its loyalists inside the country.
Editorials from the Syrian pro government papers


he Editor-in-Chief of Tishreen newspaper, Raghdaa Mardini:
"The West knows, for certain, that Syria has the strategic ability to adapt to any circumstances. But what it doesn't know, is that Syria can withstand the horror the Westhas handed to terrorists that have carried out plans on its behalf, until the old enemy revealed himself in the form of the Israeli strike on Syria which aimed to turn things upside down, not taking into consideration what its terrorist "sons" will do after mother Israel lost her temper…
"The most important Syrian strategy, the effects of which the West still has not learned since the Land Day march, is that our reserve is the people's resistance to fight Israel and America in the region. The Syrian state cuts the hand extended in cruelty into Syrian lands, through one of three responses.That is, opening the Golan to the resistance, which will teach a lesson to all that attacking Syria – the holy land which has strategic interests on every geopolitical stage – will spread the two-year crisis like a wildfire that will burn every actor who hard a part in lighting it."
Al-Baath Editor:
"As western countries arrive consecutively to meet in Moscow following the announcement of a Russian-American accord on Syria, so too do different interpretations emerge as attempts to circumvent the issue through indirect messages… 
"What is required by this process is a number of simultaneous procedures that are not difficult to discern. We realize that what is required is not a dramatic or tragic act to end a scene, nor a complete turnaround. What is required is a modelthat takes in to account the reality of the Syrian resolve, developments on the battlefield and the open confrontation with terrorist elements, withall that it requires, and an understanding that the international community must be present to take up its responsibilities sooner or later." 
Mohammad Beiraq, writing in Tishreen newspaper, criticized the policies of the Syrian Central Bank chief Edib Meyaleh: "Before the crises, we heard that the Central Bank has large amounts of foreign currency reserve and that the basket of foreign currency is almost full…
"With the start of the crises, we heard a thousand directions on how to protect the Syrian Lira. All have failed. Once we heard that the government had pumped dollars into the market so the price of dollar fell for a couple of days, only to rise again more steeply than before.
"On another instance, the government permitted each citizen to buy 10,000 dollars, on the condition that he present his ID. In each case, those who benefitted from these directives were the same few people. When the government pumped dollars in the market, many Syrians, who were simply not interested,didn't even hear about it, while those who did couldn’t buy a single dollar. 
"But the government's announcement that every citizen could buy 10,000 dollars for a limited period was a different matter. Merchants and company heads sent their employees with their IDs to stand in long queues in front of banks, with each buying what he could, and going back to his master… until the dollar reached the price it has now."
Reem Haddad wrote in Syria Times: "'I can't believe this is Syria' is a phrase often heard repeated these days by Syrians from all walks of life. 
Changes to the every aspect of the country over the last two past two years haveled many Syrians to feel they are living a horror film with each scene more terrible than the last.
In the past, Syria has rated as one of the top ten countries in the world for security. At the time, no one gave it much thought; security was taken for granted, enjoyed but never fully appreciated. Now, however, Syria certainly has no top ten rating.
From one of the most secure countries in the world, Syria has become an open battleground for armed groups fighting the government.Kidnappings and theft are rife. Certain areas of Syria are temporarily outside of government control – and in these worst hit areas, civilians live under the threat of armed men who have no ability or capacity to administer control.
In the early hours of the morning of Sunday, 5 May, Israel did what it has always been good at: It violated the sovereignty of Syria, unleashing deadly weapons and causing massive destruction and death. It certainly jolted Syrians out of their slumber- but the even bigger shock awaiting them was the realization that the Israeli strike against Syria was being celebrated by most of the world – even by most Arab countries, and, to the shame of our people, even some Syrians themselves! 
As Mount Qassioun erupted in fire in the early hours of 5 May, cameras were already positioned to film the catastrophe, as if those operating them had prior knowledge of what was to come. From the rooftops of the minarets of some mosques,'Allahu Akbar' echoed through the air, in yet another corruption of those holy words. 
That some Syrians, even a small minority, should welcome an Israeli strike against their country simply to spite the government is inconceivable. Since when have Syrians been so lacking in honor and ethics? So some Syrians don’t like the government or its policies, but for that to run so deep that the line separating right from wrong becomes so blurred is simply unbelievable and sad.
The almighty Syrian opposition, sitting in their 5 star accommodation,did not even bother to comment on what had happened to its country and people. They could not see the damage Israel had left behind, nor the many deaths it was responsible for. They stayed silent and were no doubt rewarded for doing so.
Indeed, Syrians are right to say: 'I can’t believe this is Syria!'"
Mohammad Abdo Al-Ibrahim wrote in Syria Times
In a positive sign, the U.S. has finally started to show an interest in the stability of the region, in fighting terrorism and pursuing dialogue with the Syrian people as a means to end the crisis in the country politically, thanks to the resolve of the Syrian people, the army, our Russian brothers and friends worldwide.
U.S. Secretary of State, John Kerry's comments regarding the need for exerted efforts to combat terrorism, to which the Syrian Government has been exposed for more than two years, were a positive gesture. 
The U.S. has always used a sticks and carrots approach to Syria. Mr Kerry, Syria – a peace loving country which you have visited on several occasions – is now in need for those U.S. carrots and has never been less in need of the unjustified and partisan sticks in the form of unilateralism and sanctions. 
According to a statement in 2002 from U.S. State Department official and Syria expert Richard W. Erdman, Syria "saved American lives," in the aftermath of September 11 terrorist attacks. Hopefully,Mr Secretary, you will work to change what your predecessor Hillary Clinton noted, when she told a U.S. House Committee on 24-25 April, 2009: ''Let`s remember here… the people we are fighting today…we funded them twenty years ago… and, great, let them come from Saudi Arabia and other countries, importing their Wahabi brand of Islam.''



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