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Did the Regime Military Reinforcements Really Reach Northern Syria?

Sources told Syria TV that the military convoy is likely heading towards the Manbij area.
Did the Regime Military Reinforcements Really Reach Northern Syria?

Facebook pages supportive of the Syrian regime shared images and videos of a military convoy purportedly belonging to the Republican Guard, claiming that it was being directed to northern Syria to “resolve the battle.” However, analysis by Syria TV and information from private military sources confirmed that the convoy was actually heading towards areas controlled by the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF).

On Sunday, a substantial military convoy comprising numerous tanks tracked artillery, and military vehicles departed from the Republican Guard’s 105th Brigade. Photos captured the moment the convoy started its journey at the brigade’s entrance.

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Video recordings depicted the convoy’s arrival in the eastern countryside of Aleppo, specifically at the Khafsa road—a key juncture between the territories controlled by the Syrian regime and those controlled by the SDF. Military sources informed Syria TV that the 105th Brigade, under the leadership of Brigadier General Asef Ammar, has not previously engaged in combat operations, which is notable considering its usual responsibility within the Republican Guard’s 101st Brigade to safeguard the regime’s leader, protect the Republican Palace, and ensure the security of vital strategic headquarters.

The sources indicated that the military convoy is likely heading towards the Manbij area, located northeast of Aleppo. Regime forces have been stationed there since 2019 following the launch of Operation Peace Spring by Turkey and the Syrian National Army.

What are the implications of the Turkish escalation in northern Syria?

In the past week, the Turkish army has intensified its aerial and ground bombardment of military positions belonging to the SDF and the Syrian regime along the border region between Syria and Turkey. This escalation has led to casualties and damage to multiple military vehicles on both sides.

The escalation initially commenced last Sunday when the SDF targeted the Turkish Jibreen base north of Aleppo, the police station in Öncüpınar within the southern Turkish state of Kilis, and the vicinity of the Bab al-Salama border crossing with a number of rockets and mortar shells.

According to the Turkish Interior Ministry, the SDF launched the attack from Syrian territory at approximately five o’clock in the evening last Sunday, using five rocket launchers. Fortunately, there were no reported casualties or injuries as a result of the attack.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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