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Deir-ez-Zor Ex-Governor Arrested for Syria War Crimes in US

The Syria TV website also reviewed testimonies from former detainees who confirmed al-Sheikh's involvement in these war crimes.
Deir-ez-Zor Ex-Governor Arrested for Syria War Crimes in US

U.S. authorities have arrested former Deir-ez-Zor governor and former security official Samir Othman al-Sheikh on charges of war crimes and crimes against humanity committed in Syria.

The Syria TV website obtained testimony from Jerome Schick, a special agent with Homeland Security Investigations (HSI), who revealed Sheikh’s long history in the Syrian regime and serious accusations of mistreatment of prisoners. He is accused of overseeing acts of torture and ill-treatment of political prisoners.

The Syria TV website also reviewed testimonies from former detainees who confirmed al-Sheikh’s involvement in the abuses.

Testimonies collected by the Investigation Agency indicate Sheikh’s involvement in ordering physical assaults on prisoners and approving executions.

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Sheikh entered the United States with his family to settle there after committing numerous war crimes and crimes against humanity during his official positions in the Syrian regime’s government.

“Number One Case”

Sheikh hails from Idlib governorate and played a role during his tenure as governor of Deir-ez-Zor in besieging and encircling the city’s neighbourhoods, which were then stormed by Syrian regime forces. He contributed to the arrest, torture, and killing of thousands of people from Deir-ez-Zor and its countryside.

The Syrian Emergency Task Force (SETF) said U.S. authorities had arrested Samir Othman Sheikh, a senior security officer in the Syrian regime.

The organization noted that the arrest took place in Los Angeles, California and that he was implicated in numerous charges related to war crimes and crimes against humanity committed in Syria.

The organization stated on its website that it had submitted a report to U.S. authorities about Sheikh’s presence in the United States since early 2022. It cooperated with security authorities and relevant U.S. agencies, leading to Sheikh’s arrest, ensuring his appearance before justice to face the serious charges against him in Syria.

Former U.S. Ambassador for Global Criminal Justice and Board Member of the Syrian Emergency Organization, Ambassador Stephen J. Rapp, said: “This is the number one case in the United States against an alleged executioner of the Syrian government. With so many cases in Europe, they show that there will be no impunity for the Assad regime’s crimes against its own people.”

Who is Samir Osman Sheikh? 

Samir Othman Sheikh is a former brigadier general in the Ministry of Interior in the Syrian regime government and a former governor of Deir-ez-Zor Governorate. He held several important positions before his retirement in 2011 with the rank of brigadier general.

Sheikh, a major general in Syria’s intelligence service, held senior positions in the regime’s Interior Ministry, including the presidency of Adra Central Prison and the Political Security Branch in Adra.

He was also close to Maher al-Assad, the brother of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and commander of the regime’s Fourth Division, where he wielded considerable influence.

Despite retiring in 2010, the regime’s president reappointed him in 2011 as governor and head of the security committee in Deir-ez-Zor to coincide with the start of peaceful demonstrations in the country.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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