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Damascus Hosts Military Funeral for Iranian Advisors Killed in Israeli Attack on Consulate

Damascus witnessed a solemn military funeral for the Iranian military advisors who lost their lives during the Israeli assault on the Iranian Consulate, al-Watan writes.
Damascus Hosts Military Funeral for Iranian Advisors Killed in Israeli Attack on Consulate

On April 3, 2024, Damascus witnessed a solemn military funeral for the Iranian military advisors who lost their lives during the Israeli assault on the Iranian Consulate. The ceremony, held at the Military Hospital in Damascus and attended by Syrian Defense Minister General Ali Abbas, paid tribute to the deceased with full military honours before their repatriation to Tehran.

General Abbas, in his eulogy, honoured the fallen as allies in Syria’s battle against terrorism, emphasizing their role in striving to rid Syrian territory of terroristic threats from various states, groups, and organizations. Expressing his and the Syrian military’s condolences, Abbas highlighted the martyrdom of these individuals as a significant loss to Iran, lauding their heroism and dedication.

The Iranian Ambassador to Syria, Hussain Akbari, condemned the attack as a gross violation of international norms and an affront to the United Nations’ principles, framing it as emblematic of the foundational violence and illegitimacy of the Zionist entity. Ambassador Akbari asserted Iran’s right to a proportional response to this aggression, signalling the possibility of further escalations in the already tense regional dynamics.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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