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Coalition, Obama to Hold Brief Meeting in New York

The Coalition delegation will also deliver a speech at the meeting of the General Assembly
Coalition, Obama to Hold Brief Meeting in New York

A delegation from the Syrian National Coalition headed by Ahmad Jarba is in New York for meetings on the sidelines of the General Assembly of the United Nations.


The delegation is to hold a series of meetings with Secretary of State John Kerry and the French foreign minister Laurent Fabius, along with other Arab and regional foreign ministers, including Turkish President Abdullah Gul.


The delegation will also meet briefly with U.S. President Barack Obama and the Coalition delegation will deliver a speech at the meeting of the General Assembly.


This delegation includes each vice president of the Coalition, including Salem al-Muslet, Michel Kilo, Burhan Ghalioun, Najibal-Ghadban and Munther Majos.


The program will also include the meeting of the eleven states of the group of Friends of the Syrian people, in addition to a meeting with the international envoy to Syria Lakhdar Brahimi, the political official in the United Nations Jeffrey Feltman, the German Foreign Minister Guido Westervelle and the British Minister of State for Middle East Affairs, Alistair Burt.


Translated and edited by The Syrian Observer


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