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Coalition’s Bassam al-Malak Announces His Defection and Return to Damascus

Malak cited U.S.-Israeli 'conspiracies which aim to divide Syria' as a key reason for abandoning the foreign-based opposition, Syria News reports
Coalition’s Bassam al-Malak Announces His Defection and Return to Damascus

Bassam al-Malak, a member of the opposition Syrian National Coalition, announced on Sunday his withdrawal from the political bloc and his return to the “National Democratic Action Authority” for the internal opposition.

The secretary-general of the authority, Mayis al-Karidi, published on her Facebook page a statement in which she confirmed that “the National Coalition member Bassam al-Malak has decided to return to working under the national roof and the authority is awaiting his arrival to Damascus.”

A paper written in Malak’s handwriting said: “To our people in beloved Syria … After seven years living outside the country, I have learned the extent of the Gulf, American and Western conspiracy which aims to divide Syria and to destroy the Syrian army to serve the American-Zionist project. I announce my commitment to the unity of Syria, its territory and people, and I reject all projects of partition, from federalism and self-administration, and am committed to the sovereignty of the Syrian state on all Syrian territory and support the Syrian army in confronting terrorism and terrorist groups.”

Malak is a Damascus trader and former member of the Damascus Chamber of Commerce, and a representative of the Syrian Democratic National Bloc in the Syrian National Coalition, which he joined years ago after announcing his opposition to the Syrian regime.

This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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