
Children Return To Their Classrooms in Eastern Ghouta After Rehabilitating 77 Schools

Over half of schools in eastern Ghouta have reopened thanks to efforts by the local society, international organizations, and the Ministry of Education, writes SANA.
Children Return To Their Classrooms in Eastern Ghouta After Rehabilitating 77 Schools

Children returned to their classrooms in eastern Ghouta after rehabilitating 77 schools, a return that terrorists have attempted to hinder for years. 

Rehabilitation of the damaged schools didn’t stop the return of pupils to their classrooms in towns of eastern Ghouta following the reopening of 77 schools.

Crimes committed by terrorists in the towns before they were liberated by the Syrian Arab Army didn’t prevent the teachers from bringing in the books of the Education Ministry and teaching the ministry’s curricula despite the dangers they had faced. 

The main difficulties facing the teachers is the students’ dropout and displacement rates due to terrorism, which led to an educational loss for students. However, educational cadres are trying to compensate for it in many ways, including through a “class B curriculum.”

Seventy-seven schools out of 130 in eastern Ghouta were reopened in cooperation between the local society, international organizations, and the Ministry of Education, with the aim of continuing the educational process there.


This article was edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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