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Canada Denies ‘Residency’ for Syrian Engineer who Developed Assad Chemical Weapons

Yafi is accused of assisting the Assad regime in advancing its chemical weapons program, according to al-Souria Net.
Canada Denies ‘Residency’ for Syrian Engineer who Developed Assad Chemical Weapons

A recent investigation by Global News has brought to light the presence of Ahmed Haitham al-Yafi, a Syrian engineer who allegedly played a role in the development of chemical weapons for the Assad regime, residing in Canada several years ago.

According to the Canadian news outlet, Yafi is accused of assisting the Assad regime in advancing its chemical weapons program and is currently residing on the outskirts of Edmonton.

Declassified documents obtained from the Canadian government formed the basis of the report, revealing Yafi’s employment as a chemical engineer at the Syrian Scientific Research Center from 1974 to 1994.

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The documents indicate that Yafi was involved in overseeing the establishment of a production plant and dedicated over two years to conducting research at an experimental facility, which was known to be involved in the production of chemical weapons.   

Senior positions 

According to reliable sources, it has been confirmed that Yafi held a prominent position at the Scientific Research Center and actively participated in the initial stages of setting up the center’s pilot plant.

Throughout his career, he held various prestigious roles, including Project Manager and Technical Director, eventually rising to the position of Deputy Minister of Industry.

Upon his arrival in Canada in 2018, Yafi sought permanent residency. However, his application was denied by the immigration department due to his involvement in Syria’s chemical weapons program.

Despite Yafi’s refusal to comment on the matter when approached by the Canadian website, they were able to obtain statements that he had previously submitted to immigration officials.

In his statements to “Al-Hijra,” Yafi claimed to have obtained a doctorate in chemical engineering from the University of Manchester in England. He then returned to Syria in 1977 to work at the Scientific Research Center, where he was assigned employee number 162 and informed about the center’s intention to produce a chemical substance with harmful effects on humans.

Yafi further stated that the purpose of the chemical weapon was not to be deployed but rather to serve as a deterrent against the regime’s adversaries. He asserted that the presence of chemical weapons aimed to provide the country’s leadership with a strategic advantage.

Allegedly, Yafi felt compelled to work at the research center for seven and a half years in exchange for financial support for his doctoral studies abroad.

Yafi made numerous attempts to resign from his position, submitting his resignation a total of seven times, beginning in 1987, before it was finally accepted in 1994.

Expressing his disillusionment, he stated that he was deeply disappointed upon learning about the center’s involvement in the development of chemical weapons.

Yafi emphasized that throughout his tenure, he never engaged with any chemical warfare agents nor participated in discussions regarding launch systems, as it was not within the scope of his responsibilities or expertise.

Furthermore, he confirmed the presence of several other scientists from the Scientific Research Center who currently reside in Canada and the United States of America.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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