
Assad to Iraqi Envoy: Syria Proceeds in War Against Terror

Talks tackled counter-terrorism efforts
Assad to Iraqi Envoy: Syria Proceeds in War Against Terror

President Bashar al-Assad on Tuesday met Faleh Fayyad, the Iraqi National Security Advisor and the envoy of Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi.


Talks tackled counter-terrorism efforts, with the Iraqi envoy briefing President Assad on the latest steps taken in this regard, as well as upcoming steps and possible measures to ensure the success of these efforts and eliminate terrorists organizations in all their forms.


Assad affirmed to Fayyad that Russia is proceeding resolutely in its war against all forms of takfiri terrorism which it has been waging for years, asserting that Syria supports any international counter-terrorism efforts.


The president stressed that the success of such efforts isn’t just linked to military action – which is important – but also states committing themselves to relevant international resolutions and what they entail in terms of stopping all forms of support for terrorist organizations.


Translated and edited by The Syrian Observer


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