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Assad the Guardian Angel

Assad enjoys immense popularity as the most popular Arab leader, the editorial in the newspaper says
Assad the Guardian Angel

His Excellency Bashar Assad is the most reliable, believable, adorable and loveable president among all world leaders. Like father like son; the late Hafez Assad left behind him in Dr. Bashar Assad, a family member that speaks for at least 20 million Syrians.


Indeed, His Excellency lives in the hearts, spirits and minds of the majority of his people. No power whatsoever can take this man out from his people's hearts,  their veins and arteries.


His Excellency is the heart of hearts for the millions –  not only for Syrians, but also many nationalities worldwide.


I will never forget the day when a close Italian friend, a University Professor, asked me: ''Please, Mohammad bring me from Damascus a medallion with,  on one side the photo of President Bashar and the other side the photo of [Hezbollah chief Hassan] Nassrallah.''


President Assad was declared "Personality of the Year for 2013", according to a three-week poll carried out by Al-Mayadeen satellite channel and posted on its website. The poll included 16 Arab and foreign personalities. His Excellency received 193, 404 votes or 36.97% of the total number of voters.


Earlier, in November 25, 2008, His Excellency was awarded the Strategic Vision Award for the year 2008 by  the Turkish Asian Centre for Strategic Studies (TASAM), in recognition of his role as a distinguished statesman with a strategic vision, demonstrated by the wise Syrian policies at all levels.


And, on 19 May, 2009, His Excellency was voted the most popular Arab leader, according to a major survey of public opinion in Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE), released by the Brookings Institute and Zogby International.


On 31 December, 2009,  Assad was e-voted as "Personality of the year 2009", by CNN Arabic Internet Edition, winning 67% of all votes in less than a month during a free click-and-vote-for opinion poll.


''I look at myself as somebody who has a responsibility, who acted with conviction and for the sake of his people. Every decision we have to take should be 100% Syrian; not 90%, 100% percent.  That’s how I gained support,'' Assad said in an interview with PBS on 28 May, 2010.


On 22 January,  2012, The Russian Union of Writers honored His Excellency Bashar Assad with the Union's Special Award for his contribution to resistance against global hegemony.


On 27 July, 2007, Syrians worldwide reiterated their support for their beloved president, with an overwhelming "yes" vote for the President of Justice and Comprehensive Peace. Syrians overwhelmingly voted for a new 7-year presidential term for their beloved president with 97.62 % of the vote.


Syrians, living three years of sufferings inflicted by a foreign Wahhabi-backed aggression by Al-Qaeda affiliated terrorists from more than 83 countries, are now waiting anxiously for the forthcoming presidential elections to nominate their candidate and elect him. President Assad has once more proved to be the wisest saviour, guardian and staunchest defender of Syrians wellbeing, pride, independence, integrity and heritage.


Translated and edited by The Syrian Observer


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