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Assad Forces Kill Top Rebel Commander in Homs

Okla escaped from the infamous Roumiyeh Lebanese prison in October 2012
Assad Forces Kill Top Rebel Commander in Homs


Forces loyal to Bashar Assad killed the military commander of Jund al-Islam, Faisal Dawood Okla in the besieged village of al-Zahra in Homs province, the British-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported on Monday.


Okla escaped from the infamous Roumiyeh Lebanese prison in October 2012.


Meanwhile, violent clashes between Islamist rebels and regime forces, along with loyalist militias from the National Defence Forces (NDF) continued in Zahra village, amid regime airforce bombardment on the village, the Observatory said.


An 18-year-old girl was killed, and there were reports of others injured, as a result of regime machine-gun fire at the edges of al-Dar al-Kabira. The airforce has bombarded the besieged neighbourhoods of Homs more than six times.


Syria's nearly three-year conflict began as popular protests against four decades of Assad family rule but changed into armed insurgency under a security force crackdown.


Now the major Arab state is in a full-scale civil war that has killed more than 140,000 people and forced over 6 million – more than a quarter of the population – to flee their homes.


Translated and edited by The Syrian Observer



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