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Assad Congratulates Rohani on Iran Election Win

Assad expressed heartfelt congratulations to the newly elected Iranian President on behalf of the Syrian people
Assad Congratulates Rohani on Iran Election Win

President Bashar Assad on Sunday sent a cable to Sheikh  Hassan Rohani congratulating him on his election as the new President of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Assad expressed, on behalf of the Syrian people "heartfelt congratulations and best wishes for President Rohani after having gained the trust of millions of the brotherly Iranian people."


Rohani won the 11th presidential elections on Friday, with 50.71% of votes.


The president also stressed Syria's commitment to bolster friendly relations and increase cooperation between Syria and Iran.


Assad said a priority would be to "confront hegemonic plots and aggression against the national sovereignty in our region, in a way that reflects positively on the peoples of both friendly countries, the region and the world.


Translated and edited by the Syrian Observer


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