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AANES Welcomes Bogdanov Latest Statements

AANES praised the recent declarations by Bogdanov about the importance of Kurds' representation in constitutional talk, according to North Press.
aanes bogdanov
AANES Welcomes Bogdanov Latest Statements

The Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (AANES) said, on Friday, that the statements of the Russian Deputy Foreign Minister, Mikhail Bogdanov, express the reality of the Syrian need at this stage.

The participation of the Kurds’ representatives in the constitutional reform in Syria is necessary, said Mikhail Bogdanov Russian Deputy Foreign Minister, yesterday.

The latest statements by Bogdanov on the Constitutional Committee in Syria and his touching on the necessity of the participation of AANES regions in it, express the reality of the Syrian need at this stage, AANES published on its official website.

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“These statements are consistent with the vision of the AANES about the need to see the Syrian reality as it is, with the need for all Syrians with all their communities to participate in the Syrian solution and dialogue process and to participate in the committee drafting a constitution that expresses Syrians’ need and guarantees them a just and equal future,” the AANES added.

“The statements are positive and encouraging. We renew our full readiness for any efforts to ensure the achievement of the Syrian solution and consensus,” it noted.

The statement said that Russia has an important role in this context, and the AANES welcomes its role as a guarantor of all Syrian efforts that lead to stability.

The AANES stressed that it is not with any prejudice to the Syrian unity, neither geographical nor societal.


This article was edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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