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208 People From Daraa Killed in 2019

Over 2019, the southern province of Daraa saw multiple assassination and arrests of former opposition fighters, despite the settlement agreements writes Brocar Press.
208 People From Daraa Killed in 2019

A statistical report revealed that 208 people from the Daraa governorate were killed in 2019, including 56 fighters, who were deployed in other parts of the country.

The report by the Martyrs’ Documentation Office in Daraa, titled, “On the Settlement’s Ruins,” stated that most of the 56 fighters dead died during clashes against regime forces in northwestern Syria.

According to the report, the number of assassinations and attempted assassinations in 2019 reached 305, resulting in the deaths of 168 people and the injuring 100 others, while 26 people survived assassination attempts.

The office pointed out that the majority of the assassination operations and attempts used light firearms. The office documented 228 operations and assassinations that involved gunfire, while 30 operations were direct field executions, including 13 people, on whose bodies traces of torture appeared. Meanwhile 29 instances that used IEDs were documented, as well as four operations that used rocket-propelled grenades, and 14 operations with grenades.

The office said that regime forces arrested 391 civilians over 2019, including 13 women and four children, 99 of whom were released later in the same year, while five died under torture or while illegally detained in regime prisons.

The arrests included former opposition fighters who joined settlements and received settlement cards. The office documented the arrest of 192 of them, including 40 defectors from the regime forces and security branches who had handed themselves in to benefit from “amnesty decrees”. Four were killed under torture or unlawfully detained in regime prisons, while four were later released.

Hundreds of people from the Daraa governorate were arrested in 2019 for their involvement in assassination operations, including those who had “settlement” agreements, and some who refused to sign the settlement document.

These operations have previously targeted opposition civilians and military personnel, with various entities behind the strikes, most notably regime forces and the Iranian militias loyal to them.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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