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Rising Trend: Shortage in Nursing Staff; More Nurses Resign

An urgent need exists to reconsider compensation for the demanding nature of the nursing profession, al-Watan concludes.

Official sources have confirmed to Al-Watan the alarming increase in the dropout rate within the nursing sector across various government hospitals. This trend is attributed to the adverse effects of economic conditions and the failure to enhance the material and living standards of nurses, in stark contrast to the private sector which entices nurses with significantly higher salaries and benefits.

According to reports from hospitals, an urgent need exists to reconsider compensation for the demanding nature of the nursing profession, currently capped at a mere 10 percent. This is particularly pressing at the University Children’s Hospital in Damascus, where 400 nurses operate under challenging conditions, facing substantial pressure while caring for a high number of pediatric patients.

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Sources from the University Children’s Hospital revealed that several meetings have taken place to address the plight of nurses, advocating for an increase in compensation, improved status for nursing professionals, enhanced incentives, and the allocation of additional nursing staff from educational institutions.

These sources also reported a concerning trend of resignations, primarily triggered by insufficient salaries and the demanding nature of the work. Despite numerous resignation submissions, the sheer workload prevents hospitals from approving them, highlighting the indispensable role nurses play in healthcare.

The Government’s Presidency has requested comprehensive statistics on the nursing workforce in university hospitals, estimated at around 4,500 nurses. It is emphasized that the nursing sector is under considerable strain, particularly as current compensation does not align with the realities of the job. Notably, a significant proportion of nurses commute from outside their home governorate, incurring additional challenges and costs.

While acknowledging the constraints hospital administrations face, the sources stressed that the overall number of nurses falls short of meeting hospital needs. Many nurses operate on a rotational basis, contributing to workforce shortages. Furthermore, a percentage of screened and appointed nurses fail to join their assigned positions due to various circumstances.

The source explained that the Ministry issued directives concerning graduate nurses, indicating that failure to join the assigned hospital renders them unable to fulfill obligations. In such cases, the nurse and her guardian are required to reimburse double the expenses incurred on her behalf, with the possibility of legal consequences. The non-joining fine has been increased to 7 million Syrian pounds, serving as an additional incentive for nurses to commit to their positions for an extended period.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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