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Syrian actors

Assad Raises Minimum Tax-Exempt Amount

President Assad has announced changes to the tax law, which will alter the tax brackets for a number of employees writes Al-Watan.

200 Coronavirus Cases in Syrian Schools

The coronavirus is continuing its spread and infections have been reported in a number of schools that are run by the Ministry of Education reports Sowt Al-Asima.

No Bread in Tartous

Tartous is suffering from a chronic lack of bread, and the bread that is available is of poor quality, adding to the woes of residents reports Baladi Press.

Assad Tours a Number of Towns in Lattakia Countryside

President Assad has toured the area affected by the recent wildfires and promised the residents that the state will provide services and help, so that their lives and land can be restored reports SANA.

Teachers Fired. Leaked Document Reveals Why

A leaked document has revealed that the Syrian regime fired a number of teachers from their job because they had not joined up for reserve military service writes SY 24.

US Building New Military Base Inside Eastern Syria

The US Army is expanding its presence in Deir ez-Zor with another military base that is being built in Baghouz and will mark their ninth base in the region writes Al-Masdar.

Hand in Hand Suspends Support for Kafr Takharim Hospital

After being prevented from carrying out their duties, the Hand in Hand Organization for Relief and Development has said that it will no longer provide services to the Kafr Takharim hospital reports Baladi News.