

Dozens of Detainees, Disappeared in Daraa

Statistics for the number of people in Daraa who were detained or forcibly disappeared during the month of November have been released by the Daraa Martyrs Documentation Office reports Jesr Press.

Unavailability of Fuel, Bread Worsens Suffering of Syrians

With a continuing lack of bread and ever rising fuel prices, Syrians are feeling the strain and becoming increasingly frustrated with long queues and the dire economic situation reports The Levant.

Syria To Participate in IMF Meetings

Syria will take part in this years IMF meeting, to discus the impacts of the coronavirus and efforts to fight poverty reports SANA.

Syria Fires Ravage Livelihoods Ahead of Harvest

Farmers in Syria have had their crops devastated by fires, leaving them wondering how they will earn enough money to survive reports Al-Araby Al-Jadeed.

Makhlouf Uses Previously Withheld Funds for Donations

Rami Makhlouf has said that he will donate billions of Syrian pounds to help those affected by the recent fires, if the regime agrees to release the funds reports Baladi News.