

Syria denounces Countries that demand referring Syria to ICC

Syria is frustrated from the persistence of certain countries to refer the situation in Syria to the International Criminal Court (ICC), Syria’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs has said. It added that Syria shares those countries’ concern over the developments of humanitarian situation in Syria and the human rights violations committed by the armed terrorist groups.

Justice, reconciliation, and amnesty in President Assad’s speech

Assad the dictator is no fan of justice. He knows that he can manipulate democracy by naming it the ‘popular democracy’ and reducing it to supervised and rigged elections. Assad can also mold ‘patriotism’ and ‘resistance,’ as needed turning them into mere clichés set against ‘Zionism’ and ‘colonialism.’ As for justice: it has but one meaning. It is this meaning that Assad is trying to escape.

Jihadist Group Claims Syria Interior Ministry Attack

The jihadist al-Nusra Front claimed on Thursday that two of its men were responsible for a deadly suicide attack on the Syrian interior ministry the day before, via its official Twitter account.

Jubhat Al-Nusrah: Extremist Thieves of the People’s Revolution

U.S. Ambassador to Syria Robert Ford writes in al Hayat that Jabhat al Nusra is a thug of thieves that want to steal the Syrian revolution. He calsl on all responsible actors to speak out against and distance themselves from al-Nusrah Front, Shabiha, Jaysh Al-Shaib, and other violent extremists who seek and intend to hijack this Syrian struggle. Assad must go – but the new government that replaces him should not be a new group of tyrants who reject the tolerance that made Syria the unique and remarkable country that it was and can be again.