
Foreign actors

Press statement regarding the fighting in Ras al-Ain area

What is happening in the area of Ras al-Ain is a result of the security chaos created by the Syrian regime with its reliance on using violence to respond even to nonviolent protesters and opponents. This has led to the spread of arms and the escalation of armed conflict. This in turn is contributing to the spread of civil fights that is threatening many areas in the country among which Ras al-Ain.

Press Release by SC about the Humanitarian Assistance Response Plan for Syria

The plan* states that it aims at “supporting the Government of Syria’s efforts in providing humanitarian assistance to the affected populations,” and that a “Steering Committee” will be “chaired by the Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs and Expatriates (or whomever he delegates)” and that “The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates is the [Syrian] Government focal point in charge of the supervision of implementation of humanitarian projects” in addition to other administrative and logistical tasks!

Mayaleh: News on Printing SYP 2,000 Banknotes Baseless

Syria denied media reports that it intended to print SYP 2,000 banknotes, branding them ”part of the conspiracy against Syria which aims to undermine the Syrian economy, spread concerns and discredit the Syrian currency.”

Syria: The Forest and the Trees

Because Syria is a country of paramount importance, the issue there is not just about toppling the regime, while retaining the same inherited and historical structure, including the ideology, of the regime itself. Indeed, we are dealing here with a smaller version of countries like Germany and Japan after the Second World War, in that they were countries whose internal circumstances led them to destabilise their regions and subsequently the world.

Bashar addresses his international gang

Bashar before anyone else realizes that his dictatorial regime encompasses all the reasons for its own downfall, from the bloodthirsty and brutal acts, the assassinations, torture, sectarianism and corruption, and the looting of the country’s wealth.

Statement: Assad Fails to Present a Political Solution and Continues to Commit Massacres

The speech by Bashar Assad confirms his incompetence as a head of state who realizes the grave responsibilities he carries during this critical time in Syria’s history. Furthermore, it demonstrates that he is incapable of initiating a political solution that puts forward a resolution for the country’s struggle and an exit for his regime with minimum losses because he cannot see himself and his narrow based rule except as remaining in power despite being rejected by his people and his traditional allies.