
Foreign actors

We Need to Clarify Syrians Aspirations

Syrians are faced with a corrupt regime, an inexperienced political opposition, foreign interests and Al-Qaeda

Daraya Local Council Governs City under Siege

Daraya’s local council is currently governing the affairs of around 6,600 residents who remained in this city, out of an estimated population of 300,000 before the start of the uprising in 2011

Opposition Leader to Visit Beijing

Observers believe that recent statement by U.S. President Barack Obama regarding the moderate armed opposition will undermine Jarba’s efforts

Iraq Events Are a Revolution

The trade in terrorism was mastered by the Iranian and Syrian regimes, and today Maliki’s sectarian regime has entered the race

Assad's Regime Flatters Christians of Homs

The regime started restoring churches, while it left most mosques destroyed, to show the West that it wants Christians to return

ISIS in Raqqa is ‘Frighteningly Organized’

The leaders of the organization in Raqqa are sheikhs from Iraqi, Tunisia and other Arab states, while Egyptians, Europeans, Chechens and Syrians occupy lower ranks