
Foreign actors

Obama Swallows a Strategy… and “Cracks” Appears at Core of Syrian Regime

The American president just wanted to relieve the pressure on regional and international allies, and pull the rug out from under his close rivals in the Democratic Party and his Republican rivals on the eve of the midterm elections and nearly two years before the presidential election

Syrian Sunni Tribes Unite: Statement

The tribes of Al-Mawali, Al Hadedeen and other unnamed tribal components held a conference to unite against Assad

Opinion: Did US Intelligence Truly Underestimate IS?

Despite all the warnings of the gravity of the Syrian crisis, Obama always reiterated that Syrian rebels are nothing but a bunch of farmers and medical doctors, refusing to support them

Why Our Youths Join IS

Secularists and civil state advocates don’t attract the youths any more

'Gas For Detainees' Rebel Deal in Homs

The regime yielded to the fighters’ demands to release all detainees in exchange for allowing the regime to repair the Arab Gas Pipeline