
Foreign actors

Iranian-Gulf Relations and the Syrian Crisis

Iran’s relationship with Syria has pushed the country down a particular path, but it is still possible to change course writes Al-Arabiya.

Heras al-Deen Reject the Idleb Agreement

Heras al-Deen are the first group to publicly reject the Idleb agreement, while Hayyat Tahrir al-Sham have not made an official statement reports Alsouria Net.

Thousands Return to North Syria After Russia-Turkey Deal

The UN had warned that an all-out on Idlib, where three million people live would trigger a humanitarian catastrophe and one of the worst bloodbaths of Syria’s war writes

Confusion Surrounds the Downing of a Russian Plane

Accusations have been made on all sides after a Russian plane was shot down by Assad’s forces, killing 15 Russian soldiers writes Asharq al-Awsat.

IIIM President: No Peace in Syria Without Accountability

The head of the International, Impartial and Independent Mechanism (IIIM) in Syria has called on the country to assist in criminal proceedings writes Asharq al-Awsat.

Residents in Idleb Thank Turkish President Erdogan

Following the agreement between Russia and Turkey, residents of Idleb province took to the streets to thank the Turkish President for all his efforts reports Enab Baladi.