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What Happened Over the Weekend

A US court ruling against Syria, eleven dead after a building collapse, a humanitarian disaster brewing in eastern Syria and student protests in Idleb. Catch up on everything that happened over the weekend.

Conscription Campaign Paralyzes Aleppo

For fear of conscription, men in Aleppo are avoiding leaving their homes, while some are paying large sums as bribes to avoid military service writes Alsouria Net.

No Consensus on Syria at Dead Sea Meeting 

Arab foreign ministers discussed the potential return of Syria to the Arab League, but was unable to make progress on the issue reports Al-Watan.

US Dollar up Against Syrian Pound

As the Syrian pound continues to weaken against the dollar, hopes are being put on the new economic deals that were recently signed with Iran writes Zaman Al Wasl.

Syrian Traders Complain About the Increasing Dollar

As the US dollar continues its upward trend, traders in Syria are finding it difficult to ensure that their businesses remain profitable reports Al-Iqtissadi.

Explosions Target Kurdish-Led Forces in Manbij

In recent weeks, Manjib has been rocked by a number of explosions, which have killed both Kurdish and American units reports Zaman Al Wasl.

The United States Has Lost Its Golden Opportunity in Syria

When Syrians took to the streets, demanding the end of the Assad regime, the United States had the opportunity to implement meaningful actions that would create real change, but this has been missed writes The Syrian Observer.