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What Happened Over the Weekend

An 11-year-old Syrian found dead, SDF continue to close in on ISIS, Iranian plans for missile productions and Russian artillery kills six. Catch up on everything that happened over the weekend.

Undocumented Syrians Suffer in Germany

For Syrians living in Germany, securing employment can also mean subjecting yourself to dangerous environments, with no rights and little pay writes Zaman Al Wasl.

Anti-Regime Graffiti Seen in Qudsaya

As well as anti-regime slogan, unknown individuals also tore up a picture of Assad that had been hung in the main square reports Damascus Voice.

Is Father Paolo Alive?

Italian priest Paolo Dall’Oglio was kidnapped by the Islamic State in 2013, while trying to secure the release of two French journalist reports Etihad Press.

Russia Lashes out at US Sanctions

Russia’s Deputy Foreign Minister has criticised the economic sanctions placed on Russia, Syria and Iran writes SANA.

Assad Regime Releases Islamic State Prisoners

It thought that the released Islamic State leaders will conduct attacks against the regime, that will serve as an excuse for a greater regime clampdown in the south reports Alsouria Net.

Muallem and Pedersen Meet in Tehran

The two diplomats meet in Tehran to discuss the constitutional committee and the upcoming summit that will be held in Russia writes Al-Watan.

Senate Rebukes Trump Over Syria

The US Senate has been highly critical of the decision to withdraw American forces from Syria, and the latest vote is a blow for the President’s plans reports Al-Araby al-Jadeed.

The Lost Voices of Women in Assad’s Prisons

For women in Assad’s prisons, existence is a life of torture and suffering, never knowing whether you will be released or survive your ordeal writes Zaman Al Wasl.