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Foreign actors

Does the Regime Need the Idleb Battle?

While the regime pushes forward with its assault on Idleb and the Hama countryside, appetite among young men to go and fight is waning writes Al-Modon.

Uk Seizes $30,000 of Syrian Regime Cash From Assad’s Niece

Anisseh Shawkat, the daughter of Assad’s brother-in-law, has been living in a Knightsbridge flat and is accused of receiving money from the Assad regime reports Al-Araby al-Jadeed.

Chemical Weapons—a Renewed Terrorist Lie

Terrorists in Idleb have falsely accused the Syrian regime of using chemical weapons, despite Syria disposing of its chemical weapons in 2013 writes Al-Watan.

Opposition Forces Retake Kafr Nabudah

The Free Syrian Army along with other military factions have launched attacks against the regime’s forces, causing a number of casualties and destroying heavy weapons reports Alsouria Net.

SAMS Opens Mental Health Center for Refugees in Turkey

The Syrian American Medical Association has said that a large number of Syrian refugees are suffering from mental problems brought on by the crisis in their country writes Zaman Al Wasl.

Syrian Youth Trends Around Politics and Media

A survey conducted by the Sada Institute has examined how Syrian youth, both inside and outside the country, consume and view news about Syria.

Sanamayn City Under Siege

Sanamayn holds a unique position in southern Syria, as it was one of the first cities to agree to reconciliations with the regime, but recent events have increased tensions in the area writes Alsouria Net.

Syrian Al-Ayyam Newspaper Announces Closure

The newspaper cited the increasing pressure that journalists in the country are facing as the reason for its decision to stop publishing reports Al-Modon.

Turkey Pushes Displaced People to Settle in Afrin

Offices that deal with displaced people and their right to return have been closed by authorities, which has sparked protests in Afrin reports Zaman Al Wasl.

What Happened Over the Weekend

Israeli missiles shot down, Iraqi Airways flights postponed, fears of a humanitarian crisis in Idleb and China to reconstruct schools in Syria. Catch up on everything that happened over the weekend.

Syria Mourns Leading Liberal Philosopher

Syrian philosopher Tayyeb Tizini, who promoted democracy, pluralism and diversity in Syria has died at the age of 85 in his hometown of Homs writes The Syrian Observer.

The Life of Professor Tayyeb Tizini

Professor Tayyeb Tizini, who has died at the age of 85, was seen as one of Syria’s greatest thinkers and philosophers writes Philosophers of the Arab World.