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Foreign actors

Turkish Regime Begs for a 72-Hour Truce

The Turkish regime was granted a short cease-fire to allow its forces to move observation points out of the path of the Syrian army writes Al-Watan.

EU Extends Sanctions Against Syria Regime

The Council of the European Union has issued 270 people and 70 entities with a travel ban and an asset freeze for being responsible for the violent repression against civilians reports Asharq al-Awsat.

Dozens of Families Evacuated From Khan Sheikhoun

As regime and Russia attacks on Idleb intensify, hundreds of thousands of families have been forced to seek safety near the Turkish border reports Alsouria Net.

Astana’s Failure Leading to a Military Solution in Idleb

The 12th round of Astana talks failed to create the required agreements, which Syria and Russia blame of Turkey’s unwillingness to uphold its commitments writes Al-Watan.

Has the Battle of Attrition Begun in Hama?

The Syrian regime, backed by Russia, is continuing its attacks on opposition positions in the Hama countryside, forcing them to change their tactics writes Al-Modon.