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Foreign actors

Assad: ISIS Prisoners Could Face Trial in Syria

In an interview with Paris Match, President Bashar al-Assad talked about the killing of the leader of ISIS and the presence of foreign forces writes SANA.

Germany: Syrian Refugees Face New Restrictions

Syrian refugees living in Germany are facing new restrictions on where they can live, adding to the pressures of learning the language and finding employment writes Zaman al-Wasl.

Assad Militias Launch Missile Attack on Jisr al-Shughour

Assad’s forces, back by Russia and Iranian militias, are pushing their assault on Idleb, killing a number of people in a missile attack on Jisr al-Shughour reports Zaman Al Wasl.

Syrian Budget Suffers 1 Billion Dollar Drop

Due to the ongoing currency crisis, the 2020 budget has shrunk since it was originally presented to the People’s Assembly writes Iqtissad.

28,076 Women Killed in Syria Since March 2011

A new report has highlighted the violations committed against women in Syria and the parties involved in war crimes and crimes against humanity reports Jisr.

Inside the “Ghouta Prison”

For those that remained, life in eastern Ghouta has become a daily struggle, with security campaigns and forced conscription reports Alsouria Net

Car Bomb Kills 2 Civilians in Azaz

A car bomb in Azaz has detonated next to a bus terminal, killing two people and injuring three others, with the YPG being suspected of carrying out the attack writes Zaman al-Wasl.

What Happened Over the Weekend

The US urges a political solution, a car bomb kills nine, Turkey attacks Ayn Eissa and Syria insists that the constitutional committee remains Syrian. Catch up on everything that happened over the weekend.