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Foreign actors

Fifth Legion Members Chant Against Assad in Daraa

Shortly after graduating, and while still wearing their uniform and holding the Syrian flag, soldiers from the Fifth Legion started to chant against Assad reports Baladi News.

Regime Creates Committee to Audit “Insult” Video

The regime has promised to take action after a video was circulated that showed a hospital worker insulting the body of someone who had died of coronavirus writes Sowt Al-Asima.

Disputes Standing in Way of Harvesting Crops in al-Qrayya

Disputes between Daraa and Suweida, which have often turned violent, have prevented farmers in the region from collecting their harvest and stripping them of a livelihood writes Enab Baladi.

Special Treatment for Repatriated Syrians

Syrian returning to the country must now pay to spend one night in a hotel and be tested for the coronavirus reports Al-Watan.

Regime Blocks Shihabi’s Business Venture

The regime has blocked Fares al-Shihabi’s efforts to produce Syria’s first ventilator unit, with the businessman’s recent criticism thought to be behind the decision write Shaam News.

Plans to Build Hagia Sophia Church in Hama?

Following the announcement that the Hagia Sophia would be turned back into a mosque, a National Defense commander has decided to build a miniature version of the building in Hama writes Enab Baladi.

What Happened Over the Weekend

Israeli army helicopters strike military targets, Syria and Iran lash out at US and the 25th Special Mission Forces Division arrive at frontlines. Catch up on everything that happened over the weekend.

Is the Moscow Agreement About to Collapse?

As the regime moves more reinforcements to the southern Idleb countryside and northwestern Hama, concern is rising that a fresh assault is coming and the ceasefire will end writes SY 24.

Assad Forces Kill One Civilian in Nawa Town

Daraa is witnessing a continued breakdown with regime forces killing a man on a motorcycles and armed groups attacking two military posts reports Zaman Al-Wasl.