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Foreign actors

Now Trump Is Gone, What Next For Syria?

Donald Trump will leave office today, but what has he left behind in and Syria and what will challenges will his predecessor face?

Irate People’s Assembly Member Takes to Facebook

A member of the People’s Assembly has complained on Facebook about not being given the opportunity to address the assembly, while another walked out in protest writes Sowt Al-Asima.

Coronavirus Spirals Out of Control in Syria

Coronavirus is continuing to rampage across northern Syria, with more deaths announced and warnings that there is a lack of facilities and equipment reports SY 24.

Regime Dismisses Two Judges

President Assad has signed two decrees ordering the dismissal of two judges, but it is not known what violations were committed reports Enab Baladi.

The Last 24 Hours in Syria

Two Syrians are charge in Germany, an Islamist group launches an attack in Idleb, a landmine kills 10 Russian backed fighters, and Syria wishes to import more oil.

What Happened Over the Weekend

The White Helmets receive a contract to make PPE, flights between Aleppo and Beirut resume, wanted refugee arrested in Greece and more coronavirus cases reported. Catch up on everything that happened over the weekend.

Who’s Assad’s New Opponent at 2021 Elections?

Mohammad Ezzat Khattab has put himself forward as a candidate for the 2021 presidential elections, amid confusion about the position of the opposition writes North Press.

Decision to Move 750 Qaboun Factories

It has been announced that 750 small and medium factories are to be moved from Qaboun because of the area’s damage, but owners say the damage is very limited reports Sowt Al-Asima.