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Foreign actors

Russia Kills 11 National Army Soldiers in Hama

Russian Special Forces attacked a village in the al-Ghab Plain area in the middle of the night, causing casualties among Jaish al-Nasr reports SY 24.

France Warns of ISIS Return in Syria, Iraq

The French Minister of Defence has warned that the Islamic State is re-emerging in Syria and Iraq and that France’s mission in the region continues reports Al-Modon.

What Happened Over the Weekend

Seven regime fighters killed in ISIS attack, refugees rescued off Albanian coast, Russian warplanes launch attack, US sends reinforcements to Deir ez-Zor. Catch up on everything that happened over the weekend.

MOF Puts Together new Tax Reform Committee

A committee has been formed to examine the Syrian tax system and make appropriate reforms where necessary reports Al-Watan.

Firas Tlass Reveals Russian Plan To Legitimize Assad

Firas Tlass has posted on Facebook that Russia is pressuring Bashar al-Assad to make changes to the constitution, in order to secure international recognition reports Baladi News.

Why Another Term for Assad?

With Russian approval, President Assad has been allowed to run in Syria’s next election, but he could be made to make changes to the constitution writes Annahar.