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Why Doesn’t Damascus Respond to Israel?

Syria abstains from responding to Israeli aggressions because it is focused on the "liberation" of Idleb and the Northeast, according to al-Watan.
Why Doesn’t Damascus Respond to Israel?

Israel has gone too far in targeting Syria under various pretexts. To be sure, it would not have done that without a series of calculations that constitute a system which pushes it towards these practices. 

Its attempt aimed at defining the mechanism from which the Syrian leadership proceeds to build its position against all these latest aggressions, which violated all red lines and all rules of engagement. This resulted in a popular uproar in Syria, demanding a response. 

This request for a response is legitimate, but the calculations here are difficult to begin due to “popular opinion.” This will result in reactions primarily from popular pressure without taking into consideration the “big picture.” 

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Damascus, today, believes that the Idleb and East Euphrates issues are “urgent” and that their restoration t Syrian sovereignty, which is a priority at this stage, is just around the corner. The Syrian-Turkish rapprochement that came out into the open weeks ago could shorten a lot of time and pain. What is certain is that Damascus’ response to the Israeli aggression will push this issue to become a priority –the Syrian-Israeli confrontation issue with its consequences. The consequences are a priority that precedes those of Idleb and East Euphrates. 

This is not an invitation to “swallow the blood” that Tel Aviv has been causing, but it is an attempt to understand the factors on which Damascus bases its decisions. Tel Aviv today is indeed gaining interim points, and it sees that more fruits are falling on its sleeve. However, the calculations here are not equal in the long run, and these conditions will not continue like this indefinitely. The “defeat of June” was born from the womb of the October War, which, no matter what is said, made Israel taste what we tasted first. In absolute terms, it can be said that regional and international equations show a shift that would generate new equations so that then there would be a response. 


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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