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Disputes Between Loyalist Militias Delays Expulsion of Waer Residents in Homs

Shiite groups want to remove all Sunnis from the district while Alawite militias are calling for only the removal of only those carrying weapons, according to the Alsouria correspondent
Disputes Between Loyalist Militias Delays Expulsion of Waer Residents in Homs

Within the policy of displacement pursued by the Assad regime, a number of convoys began to arrive on Monday morning which should have been carrying families from the besieged Waer district in the city of Homs toward Idleb province.

The Homs Media Center confirmed to Alsouria Net that “the operation to transport families was canceled at the request of the United Nations under the excuse of a lack of guarantee of the safety of the route from the district toward Idleb, which led to the delay of the batch departing to this evening or tomorrow morning,” according to a source.

The same source noted that “the evacuation process was supposed to be fewer than 200 people with their families […] most of them wounded or suffering from chronic diseases.”

Alsouria Net’s correspondent from Homs, Yarib al-Dali, said that there were “disputes between the Shiite loyalist militias and Alawites about the displacement process of the families from the Waer district. Shiite groups want to remove all the Sunnis from the district, while the Alawite militias are calling for only the removal of only those carrying weapons.”

Dali added that “the Shiite militias today cut off roads which should have been taken by buses heading toward Idleb province in order to derail the process and demanded the exit of all Sunni residents from the district.”

Prior to a joint statement issued yesterday, the opposition Syrian coalition and groups from the Free Syrian Army threatened to stop the current truce in Syria if the regime expelled anyone from the blockaded Waer district in Homs, or any other besieged area.

The groups said in a statement that “if the residents of the Waer district or any blockaded area in Syria are forced out of their places, and if the pressure and military and psychological terrorist continue against the besieged people, the Assad regime with that is ending its commitment to any proposed truce and the factions of the revolution will continue in their legitimate right to resist aggression, threatening to review the political process if the international failure to secure protection for the besieged areas continues.”

The statement said that “the Waer district, which has been under siege by the regime, backed by Iran and Russia, for more than two years, is a witness to the moral failure of the international community, as with what happened previously in the city of Daraya.”

This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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