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Ambassador Dahhak: Urges Implementation of ICJ Advisory Opinion to End Israeli Occupation of Palestinian Territories

Ambassador Dahhak reaffirmed the Arab Group’s strong condemnation of Israel’s repeated attacks on Syria and Lebanon.
Ambassador Dahhak: Urges Implementation of ICJ Advisory Opinion to End Israeli Occupation of Palestinian Territories

Syria’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Ambassador Qusay al-Dahhak, emphasized the necessity of enforcing the International Court of Justice (ICJ) advisory opinion regarding the illegality of Israel’s occupation of Palestinian territories. He stressed the urgent need to bring this occupation to an end and halt the expansion of illegal settlements.

“The occupying power is responsible for compensating the affected parties, whether individuals or entities, for the damages caused,” Ambassador Dahhak stated during his address to the General Assembly on Tuesday, speaking in his capacity as the current Chairman of the Arab Group. He further called on all nations and international organizations to refrain from recognizing or legitimizing the situation created by Israel’s ongoing illegal occupation of Palestinian lands.

Ambassador Dahhak reaffirmed the Arab Group’s strong condemnation of Israel’s repeated attacks on Syrian territory, its deliberate targeting of civilians, residential areas, and infrastructure, as well as its continued aggression against Lebanon.

He concluded by reiterating Syria’s support for the ICJ’s advisory opinion and called for immediate action to end Israel’s occupation of all Arab territories.

According to the pro-government Tishreen, Syria has strongly condemned the latest brutal act of aggression committed by the Israeli entity against civilians in Lebanon, expressing unwavering solidarity with the Lebanese people and affirming their right to self-defense.

In a statement issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates, Syria denounced the Zionist entity’s cyber-attack on Lebanon’s communication infrastructure on Tuesday, describing it as an unprecedented act of terrorism. The Ministry accused Israel of using advanced technology to spread violence and bloodshed in a deliberate escalation of hostilities.

“Syria condemns this terrorist aggression and the heinous crime committed by the Israeli occupation against civilians in Lebanon, revealing Israel’s intent to widen the scope of war and its insatiable thirst for bloodshed,” the Foreign Ministry declared.

The statement reaffirmed Syria’s strong solidarity with Lebanon and its confidence in the Lebanese people’s ability to confront this treacherous attack. It also called on the international community to join in condemning Israel’s reckless and unlawful aggression.

This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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