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Royalties, Mistreatment, Protests… What’s Happening in Kakhra?

Shaam Network received multiple appeals from Kurdish activists on Sunday urging attention to the situation in Kakhra.
Royalties, Mistreatment, Protests… What’s Happening in Kakhra?

A local source from the village of Kakhra in the Maabatli district of Afrin, north of Aleppo, provided details about recent events in the area. According to the source, the situation is rooted in the dominance of the Sultan Suleiman Shah faction, which has been imposing successive royalties on the villagers. The source denied claims that the conflict is between Arab and Kurdish families.

The source told Shaam Network that the Sultan Suleiman Shah faction, through its economic affiliate, levied a $8 fee on olive trees belonging to the villagers, particularly targeting lands managed under power of attorney by relatives living outside the region. The faction threatened to confiscate the land if the royalties were not paid.

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The conflict began when some farmers objected to this decision, leading to their arrest and mistreatment. The following day, a women’s protest was held in front of the faction’s economic office in the village, demanding the release of the detainees and the cancellation of the royalties. During the demonstration, faction members fired live ammunition into the air and used sticks and batons to disperse the crowd, injuring about 20 women. They also obstructed ambulances from transporting the injured to hospitals.

Internet access in the area was cut off from midday until late at night on Sunday, hindering communication about the situation. Meanwhile, raids and arrests targeted many young men and an elderly individual, who was severely beaten before being detained at a security facility.

The military police later entered the village in several groups and deployed throughout the streets at night. The Sultan Suleiman Shah faction defended the arrests as a necessary measure to resolve a conflict between Arab and Kurdish families, claiming their role was only to mediate.

Shaam Network received multiple appeals from Kurdish activists on Sunday urging attention to the situation in Kakhra, highlighting the security crackdown by the Sultan Suleiman Shah faction and the arrests of civilians who refused to pay the imposed royalties.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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