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Iran Moves in Southern Syria, Brings in Military Reinforcements

Sources told Baladi News that the reinforcements consist of drones, Iranian Fajr missiles, and advanced weaponry.
Iran Moves in Southern Syria, Brings in Military Reinforcements

Local reports from southern Syria, specifically Daraa and Quneitra, suggest that Iranian militias have been observed engaging in military activities in the region.

According to the Ahrar Houran website, Iranian reinforcements have been spotted in several locations, including Tal al-Qaed near Jabab town to the north of Daraa, as well as various military hills in the northwest of Daraa, such as Talul al-Shaar and Kroum in Quneitra governorate.

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The report further details that these reinforcements consist of drones, Iranian Fajr missiles, and advanced weaponry that has been transported to military installations within the governorates of Daraa and Quneitra.

These recent developments coincide with a surprise operation carried out by Palestinian factions at dawn on Saturday. This operation involved launching thousands of rockets and infiltrators into settlements surrounding Gaza. Israeli media has estimated the Israeli casualties from this operation to be over 700 deaths, while the Palestinian Ministry of Health reported 436 Palestinian fatalities in Gaza, including a significant number of children. Additionally, 14 Palestinians lost their lives in confrontations with Israeli forces in the West Bank. Ongoing clashes persist, with indications of potential escalation not only within Palestine but also along the borders with Syria and Lebanon, where Iranian militias are stationed.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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