
Daraa: Shelling and Clashes Following Protests Demanding Fall of Regime

Young individuals from Nawa, Daraa, participated in a demonstration on August 21st, calling for the downfall of the regime, according to Enab Baladi.
Daraa: Shelling and Clashes Following Protests Demanding Fall of Regime

The city of Nawa, located north of the Daraa governorate, recently experienced a series of events involving armed clashes and mortar shelling by Syrian regime forces. These events followed an evening demonstration that took place on Monday.

According to reports from the correspondent of Enab Baladi in Daraa, numerous young individuals from Nawa participated in an evening demonstration on August 21st, calling for the downfall of the Syrian regime. During the protest, roads were obstructed using burning tires. Subsequent to the demonstration, confrontations erupted between regime forces and local fighters from the area. This was accompanied by mortar shelling that impacted several neighbourhoods within the city. At present, there is no available information regarding the extent of damage caused by the shelling.

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Hassan al-Jahmani, an activist and resident of Nawa, informed Enab Baladi that the demonstration took place near the Military Security building. This prompted security forces to use gunfire in an attempt to disperse the gathering, alongside the deployment of military patrols in the vicinity. The actions taken by security forces in targeting the protesters led to clashes between the local fighters and the Military Security personnel. As a result of these clashes, security forces sustained injuries and reportedly withdrew to the city of Sheikh Maskin.

Subsequent to the conclusion of the clashes, Syrian regime forces initiated artillery and mortar shelling on the city. Fortunately, there have been no reported civilian casualties as a result of this shelling. As the security tension persisted in the city’s streets, the youth of Nawa once again resorted to burning tires and blocking roads, reiterating their demand for the fall of the Syrian regime, as mentioned by activist Jahmani.

The local Daraa 24 network highlighted that the shelling targeting Nawa originated from military installations in close proximity to the city. This occurred concurrently with violent clashes near the area branch and the headquarters of the Military Security within the city, during which RPG shells were utilized.

Photos from the protests within the city were published by the Ahrar Houran Gathering. These images depicted protesters obstructing roads in the central parts of Nawa.

Protest demonstrations continue to transpire in southern Syria, particularly within the Daraa and Suweida governorates. Demonstrators’ demands range from ameliorating living conditions to toppling the Syrian regime and the departure of President Bashar al-Assad. Activists have been issuing calls on social media for a general strike across all Syrian governorates since August 16. These strikes and protests have emerged as responses to the deteriorating living conditions, with both Daraa and Suweida actively participating in these actions against the regime.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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